Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Every time I sit down at the computer and try to write another entry, words seem to fail me and I don't know where to start. So much is happening so fast that I can't keep up with it all. I wish I could record every detail, every memory. Not so much for you, though that is one reason for this blog, but for myself. At the certain risk of sounding cliche', I will say a big "God is Good" and hope for an emphatic response from you of "All the time"...that is the battle cry of those in the international service we went to 2 weeks ago. Though I have had great ups and downs in the past week, I always seem to come back to this truth. God IS good, and we must trust Him.

For those of you who have been praying for my sickness and for my hearing to return, I will say a huge Tusen Tukk ("a thousand thanks") because God responded by hooking me up with some nasal spray and then completing that with a miracle of my ears opening!!! On Saturday the first one popped, and yesterday the other. I'm not completely 100%, but I can hear a thousand times better than last week. Thank you for praying, it is the difference is amazing. I am also feeling better, but still struggling some with congestion. Kelly is now experiencing physical attack as well with a really sore leg and Brett as well with a sore in his mouth. The enemy is trying to attack our bodies, but we aren't going to back down. We are more than conquerers through Christ who gives us strength...
That was one of the verses God spoke to me last week. Remember I said I was going to try to listen to Him since I couldn't hear anything else? Well, is amazing how quick He speaks when you give Him the opportunity. He led me right to Romans 8:28-39 and Romans 5:1-5. Look 'em up, they're some good verses to cling to.

As for our norskkurs (norwegian course), we are learning more everyday and plowing onward. I'm amazed at how much we do know already, as well as how much we don't yet! It will come...I still can't belive we are learning Norwegian. I'm learning another language. After Spanish in highschool I took sign language in college to cover the language requirement. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

Let's see...Brett will hopefully write in here soon. And yes, the pictures are coming. Hopefully today. The three of us skipped our class social outing today because we are just too tired. But had an awesome trip last Saturday to a ship-building museum where they still build the tradition viking-style ships. We got to sail in one also! We had a great time hanging out with all our international (well, mostly German!) friends who are taking the class. What a joy to make new friends from another places. We also had a blast hanging out with Ole-Johann and Annette (Norwegians living below us who we are renting from, they have an adorable 17month-old Samuel) last night and learning to play Swedish Poker.

Okay, this is getting really long again. Sorry. I hope to write more frequently if things would slow down a bit. Again, much love. Family and friends are missed greatly. I still feel like we're going to be coming home soon. What a beautiful place we are living in, but it still isn't home yet, nor will it ever completely be I suppose. For now, "ha det" and I'll leave with this:

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?....For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Rom. 8:35,38-39

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