Sunday, September 10, 2006

Really, where would we be without God? In the past few weeks I have been blown away by the REALITY that I serve a living God who sent His only son to die for ME so that I could truly LIVE. So I could be SET FREE. This isn't something I am delusional about or that I made up to make myself feel better, it is TRUTH. That Jesus paid the ultimate price, His very life, to save the whole offer us the chance to be free from sin, free from all that the enemy tries to throw at us (I heard it referred to today that satan's three-fold ministry is to steal, kill and destroy, isn't that the truth!), to have the Holy Spirit living in me, working through me. How easy it is to forget this truth, to forget the power we have been given through Christ to break down every stronghold, to set captives free, to heal, to love...all in the name of Jesus.

Seriously, we serve an amazing God. A God who wants to SPEAK to our hearts TODAY. Who wants to do SIGNS and WONDERS through US. Can you feel it? Do you know how much He loves you? Do you know that you were worth it to Him, so much so that He gave His life for YOU? Do you know He can use you to bring His kingdom here on earth? To be a part of His magnificent plan? Young and old, weak and strong, broken-hearted, weary and down-trodden, black and doesn't matter...all He wants is for you to follow Him. Life with Him may not be easy, but oh it is far greater than anything you could ever hope or imagine. He is REAL and He wants to live in YOU. He wants you to hear Him whisper your name, and the dreams He has for your life.

Here I am in this place so far from home, sometimes seemingly so far from Hope, yet I feel the prescence of God like I haven't for a long time. He is here. He is going to do something NEW. All I know is that I want to be a part of it.

I was in a church service today at Betel church where Norwegians and Africans came together, where others from dozens of nations around the world gathered together and the glory of God fell in that place. I had a glimpse of heaven. A glimpse of what the kingdom of God is. I have goosebumps just thinking of it because I KNOW God was in that place, and He was jumping for joy! For a few hours there was no separation between international service and Norwegian service, it was just GOD'S CHURCH. I could hardly sing because I couldn't hold back the tears. THIS is what it is all about. Oh and we still have a ways to go, but GOD IS MOVING. He is drawing people to Himself. It isn't about hype, it is about the LOVE OF GOD. The BODY OF CHRIST. God is bringing the hearts and minds of His Church into UNITY. Slowly but surely it will be only CHRIST and the message of the cross. Division will be no more.

I believe He wants to do this in Trondheim, in Norway for the climate is ready. He wants to do this in the world, and He already is.
Maybe I sound crazy but I'm not one to rant unless I mean it. And I mean this...We were born for such a time as this. And it is never too late. He is always waiting with open arms to receieve those who humble themselves at His feet. Who admit they need Jesus, need His saving grace in their lives, need to be made WHOLE again. That's why He did it. That's why He died. He knew we couldn't do this alone, He died for us. He loved us that much. He couldn't bare to watch us struggle through life trying to be "good enough" trying to "measure up", trying to cleanse ourselves, trying to free ourselves from the bondage of this world...because it isn't possible. Only through His blood, and through His resurrection we have NEW LIFE. We can truly be BORN AGAIN. Have you forgotten what it feels like? Maybe you have never experienced it before, and if you have, ask Him to remind you again. If you haven't, come to Him now. I can tell you THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO LIVE. It is not easy, I know this, but it is the best way. Only in Him can true joy and peace be found. And He's going to do some awesome stuff on this earth...He already has, already is- all around the world people are experiencing Him, seeing miracles...but there is more to come. I'm going to be a part of it? How about you???

Lord, Let it happen here in Trondheim, and spread throughout Europe...let your kingdom come all over the world and bring glory to your name. We're nothing without you. I have tried to be and I just can't. It's gotta be about you. Help us hear your voice, discern your ways, be your true Church, and do your will.

Phew! Wasn't planning on writing that, but I want to Praise God that even though there are many times the enemy attacks, I am confident that my God is BIGGER than anything that may come against us. My heart overflows because I know Jesus, and He has never left me, even for a moment. And I can't wait to see what He does next!!

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