Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Oh...so much to catch up on! But once again, not enough time today for it all...
We just got back last Wednesday from a quick 2 week trip back to the U.S. for Brett's sister Jessica's wedding (we had a great and really busy time- more on that to come) and are still adjusting to being back in Trondheim.
Fortunately, it is perfect timing for a week off for Easter Break so our team of 4 are heading off today to Tautra Mariakloster, a monastery just outside of Trondheim for a silent retreat. Might sound a little strange, but we are all really looking forward to it and it will be the first time for us all. We visited the monastery last year and have been thinking about having a retreat there for us for a while. We will all have our own rooms and are choosing to just bring our bibles and journals and try maintaining as little contact with each other as we can so we can just rest, seek and be with God and hear from Him.
So in a world that is always plugged into something and always seemingly too busy, we are going to attempt the counter-cultural and see what happens! We'll be anxious to share our experiences with you when we return.
All we know now is that we are hungry for God and need to be refreshed and refocused for what He has for us. We would appreciate your prayers during this time as we know it will also be a great challenge!

As you prepare for Easter this coming Sunday, may you also reflect on the goodness of God, on the sacrifice of His Son for all humanity- which means, for YOU-, and the victory that is also ours through the risen Jesus. Take some time to "Be still and know that HE is God". There is always more to receive if we earnestly and openly seek it! We serve a God who desires to bless us because of His great love for us!
Peace and Grace be with you...


David Andrew Gagne said...


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