Friday, June 06, 2008

Uganda Project Support Concert

Last Saturday night our Uganda team hosted a concert to raise money for some projects we wanted to contribute to for our trip. Our lovely Norwegian teammate, Elisabeth, performed some songs she had written and we held the concert after the service of the largest student service in Trondheim (two of our teammates are leaders in that church). Everyone loved it and wanted to know when she was going to put out a cd! She did so awesome and God blessed our efforts by bringing in over $1400!!! We now should have enough to purchase speakers that the church we will be working with is in need of for outreach and services, as well as some Bibles to give out to those we meet who desire their very own, both in English (the official language) and Ateso, (the local language). Praise God for providing! It will be such a blessing to those we meet in Uganda!

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