3 Year Anniversary at Fosenkoie
We managed to get away for a few days to a cabin owned by the university. We hiked 3 1/2 hours uphill to a beautiful spot on the other side of the fjord from Trondheim. We had a full day to relax in the perfect weather and enjoyed the seclusion of the Norwegian wilderness. We can't wait until we can do it again...need to let our muscles recuperate first though! It's hard to believe we've been married for 3 years now, but we are still enjoying every day we get to spend together. We are truly blessed to have one another.

*Apartment Update!*
For those of you who may be wondering and were diligently praying for us and our apartment search, we have great news! After returning from Africa and much searching and praying, God has blessed us with a new place that is a fulfillment of our prayers! The owner of the house we are renting the first floor from is even from Duluth! What a small world...he is married to a Norwegian and has been living in Trondheim for 18 years now. We are looking forward to getting to know them better. Thank you for your prayers! God truly did answer beyond our expectations! Pictures coming soon! :)
Off to Brussels tomorrow morning for 2 weeks!
In case we don't get to update while we are gone, please be praying for our annual CSM (College of Student Ministry) conference in Brussels, Belgium. Students from around Europe will be attending to receive training and vision for campus ministry in their country and we will also be meeting with the other staff of SFC Europe to vision-cast and encourage one another. We look forward to this time of re-connecting, learning, and being encouraged. We also are bringing a Norwegian student with us. She will be a freshman at the university here this fall and is excited about joining with what we are doing. She will be the first Norwegian to ever attend CSM.
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 13th. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
Scott, Tera & the boys
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