Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not to put a damper on the Thanksgiving mood, but I highly recommend taking a little time to watch this video (just click on the picture above to get to the website and push play). It is a good reminder of (or perhaps new insight into) what I would say is most of our consumer lifestyles, and what the result of our choices are- how it affects much more than we can see. Hopefully it will inspire you to think more seriously about how we consume. We have a lot to be thankful for to be sure, but there is a lot that we can do without and a lot of choices we can make everyday that will prevent us from being a part of a system that is destroying the planet and lives all over the world. The world is getting smaller in many ways and we have a responsibility to be aware of how we are contributing to what is happening in it.
Please take some time to be informed.
I am reminded again how thankful I am for the things that really matter: relationships with family and friends, and having my basic needs provided for- all the extra "stuff" should mean little in light of that. My prayer is that I would be aware of my how my actions affect the world as well as engaged in learning to live more sustainably. To me this is one powerful way to grow in love for others.

P.S. I read about this video on our friends Richard and Angela's website: They are really an inspiration to me and are doing a lot to be involved in these issues in their everyday life, especially with their first child on the way. Feel free to check it out!

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